M42 – Great Nebula in Orion – Also known as NGC 1976. This is the brightest nebula on the sky. It is located in the Orion constellation, south direction from Orion belt. The diameter of the nebula is 30 light years. The distance from Earth is 1344 thousand light years.
With this photo, I’ve tested my Mgen II Lacerta autoguider and in my opinion it did a very good job.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_Nebula
Zdjęcia (Październik 2019) wykonane w Zwardoniu. Standardowa miejscówka zlotów Katowickiego PTMA.
Sprzęt: Canon EOS 6D, Sky-Watcher 200/1000 [mm] na EQ6 Pro., Mgen II Lacerta Auto Guiding.
Photographs (October 2019) made in Zwardoń. A standard place of meetings of the Polish association of astronomy enthusiasts – Katowice dep.
Equipment: Canon EOS 6D, Sky-Watcher 200/1000 [mm] on the EQ6 Pro. and Mgegn II Lacerta autoguider.
- Composition: APP (13 frames)
- Processing: RawTherapee and GIMP v2.10.18 + add-ons (Linux)
- Lights: 13 x 600[s], ISO-400;
- Bias, Flats