Zdobienie / Decoration

Tag: M42

Zdobienie / Decoration
B33,M42,M78,NGC 1977,NGC 2024

M 42 / B 33 / NGC 1977 / NGC 2024 / M 78

Compared to amateur telescopes, it is literally a wider look with the 200 [mm], F 2.8 lens at a group of objects in the Bernard’s Loop. However the loop itself is not visible on picture (caught small piece in the lower left corner – red cloud), and the main subject

Orion Nebula (M42 or NGC 1976) - v2.png

M42 / NGC 1976 – Great Nebula in Orion

M42 – Great Nebula in Orion – Also known as NGC 1976. This is the brightest nebula on the sky. It is located in the Orion constellation, south direction from Orion belt. The diameter of the nebula is 30 light years. The distance from Earth is 1344 thousand light years.

M42 / NGC 1976 - native colors

Orion Nebula (M42 or NGC 1976)

Farewell to Orion – my colours interpretations. Winter is practically gone. Orion is almost no longer visible at night. We’ll see him again in late autumn. It will again become one of the most interesting places in the night sky to photograph. TheOrion Nebula (M42, or NGC 1976) is a

Orion Nebula (M42 or NGC 1976)

M42 ( NGC 1976) – Great nebula in Orion

Imageprocessing improvement skills in progress. Below you can see a photofor comparison, that it is really worth improving own skills in imageprocessing and it does not necessarily have to be done with paidPixInside, which will do 80% of the work automatically for the user.You can do the whole process yourself

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