In the default configuration, Stellarium displays a large number of images of known DSOs, but not all we would need. To increase the number of DSO images displayed, you need to enable an additional catlaog that will complement the displayed images, but still they will not be all visible.
As an example would be the galaxy NGC 3077, which in my version of Stellarium 0.19.3 is not displayed, although it is in the DSO database and is indicated on Stellarium sky screen.
Lets start Stellarium and go to the object search, click the magnifying glass – Search window (F3)

Enter NGC 3077 in the text search field and click the magnifying glass

As you can see in the image below, the object was found but it is not visible.

Let’s move to the settings window for the sky view. In the left menu, click Sky and viewing options windows [F4] or press the F4 key.

Click the Surveys tab, select Deep Sky from the drop-down list and then find and enable DSS colored in the list. We close the window.

Now on the sky view, NGC 3077 is already visible.