Zdobienie / Decoration

Tag: Leo Triplet

Zdobienie / Decoration

Leo Triplet

Old lights that I wanted to come back to, for a long time because I knew, that now I would process it better than almost 3 years ago, even I don’t have flat frames for it. What you can see is crop of the full frame taken with Canon 6D.

Leo Triplet - M65 M66 NGC3628 - Head

Leo Triplet (M66)

Also known as the M66 Group is a small group of galaxies about 35 million light-years away[5] in the constellation Leo. This galaxy group consists of the spiral galaxies M65, M66, and NGC 3628. Source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Triplet The first test photo taken on the new Orion Optics CT-10 telescope on a modified

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