Zdobienie / Decoration

Stars HD 23463 and HD 23479

Zdobienie / Decoration

Stars HD 23463 and HD 23479

   At the center of the Pleiades system, there are two stars HD 23463 and HD 23479, visually tiny, very close to each other. Let’s take a closer look to them.


Star HD 23463 

   Look into the enlarged corner photo the star one above is orange. Distance from earth: 432.24 light years. The star surface temperature is estimated in the range of 3700–5200 [K]. It does not belong to the constellation Taurus, its close on its border. Invisible for the naked eye, you need binoculars or a telescope to see it.

Star spectral class: K2 – its mass relative to the sun is 0.45 to 0.8 . So, it is “smaller” than our sun. The number of stars of this class is in the 12%, of the main sequence, so when we look on the sky, these stars occur quite frequently. When we look at the spectrum of a star, we will notice that these types of stars, have significant metal lines, where in astronomy we call metal with element heavier than helium.

Star HD 2347

   It is a variable, eruptive star, blue in color. Distance from earth: 440.76 light years. It is estimated that its surface temperature is in the range of 7,500 and 10,000 [K]. For comparison, our sun has a surface temperature of around 5.770 [K]. So, it can be even twice as hot as our sun.

The spectral class of the star: A – The mass relative to the sun is 1.4 to 2.1 times greater. This type of stars only quantitatively feeds 0.6% of the main sequence. They are clearly visible in the sky. Sirius and Vega belongs to the type A main sequence stars.

On the enlarged photo it is below, right next to the HD 23463 star.

HD 23463 and HD 23479 - crop
HD 23463 and HD 23479 – crop

Main sequence stars: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_sequence

Diagram Hertzsprunga-Russella: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hertzsprung%E2%80%93Russell_diagram

Technical information

Location: 12.2020
Composition: APP
APP, RawTherapee, GIMP + add-ons (Linux)
Summary exposure: 6h
Calibration frames: Darks, Bias, Flats

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