Zdobienie / Decoration

M13 – Cluster of Hercules

Zdobienie / Decoration

M13 – Cluster of Hercules

Same Light frames (made 30.3.2019) has been processed but with new technique.

M13 – Cluster of Hercules – Brightness is 5.8 Magnitude. The cluster’s diameter is 145 light years! The distance from the ground is 25.1 thousand light years.

Photographs taken on: March 2019.

Composition: APP (10 best frames and Flat and Dark + Bias frames)
Processing: GIMP v2.10.14 + add-ons (Linux)
Lights: 10 x 57[s], ISO-1600;

Comparative photo. Left shows new processing with a new method that I use today. Right, older, processed by the old method.

M13 – Gromada w Herkulesie / Hercules Cluster

Full photo with new pethod of processing.

M13 – Gromada w Herkulesie / Hercules Cluster

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