Is a double star designated Beta Cygni (β Cygni, abbreviated Beta Cyg, β Cyg). Beta Cygni is about 415 light-years (127 pc) away from the Sun. When viewed with the naked eye, Albireo appears to be a single star. However, in a telescope it resolves into a double star consisting of β Cygni A (amber, apparent magnitude 3.1), and β Cygni B (blue-green, apparent magnitude 5.1). Separated by 35 seconds of arc,[16] the two components provide one of the best contrasting double stars in the sky due to their different colors.
Somehow I have a weakness for this pair of stars. Whenever I look at them through the telescope eyepiece, I am fascinated with their colors and that they are so close together.
I’ve collected light frames with few different sessions. Photos taken on 2019 at Zwardoń and Bieszczady during PTMA rally.
- Composition: Astro Pixel Processor,
- Processing: GIMP + plug-ins (Linux).