Zdobienie / Decoration

NGC 2023 – Emission and Reflection Nebula

Zdobienie / Decoration

NGC 2023 – Emission and Reflection Nebula

The diameter is 4 light years. It surrounds the young massive star HD 37903 of spectral type B2 Ve. The energy of this star illuminates the nebula of molecular hydrogen, which emits near-infrared wavelengths and relatively high surface brightness. New stars are forming in the material from which the NGC 2023 nebula was formed. The gas waves surrounding the star are 5,000 times denser than the interstellar medium. The shock waves stimulate the gas to glow, creating unpredictable forms observed in the nebula.

NGC 2023 – Emission and Reflection Nebula – crop from bigger frame


Technical information

  • Composition: APP
  • Processing: APP + RT + GIMP + add-ons (Linux),
  • Lights: 170 x 60[s] (2h 50min.)
  • Calibration frames: Flats, Bias, Darks

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