Zdobienie / Decoration

Category: PTMA meetings at Zwardon

Zdobienie / Decoration
Orion Nebula (M42 or NGC 1976) - v2.png

M42 / NGC 1976 – Great Nebula in Orion

M42 – Great Nebula in Orion – Also known as NGC 1976. This is the brightest nebula on the sky. It is located in the Orion constellation, south direction from Orion belt. The diameter of the nebula is 30 light years. The distance from Earth is 1344 thousand light years.


Vega star

Brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra. Vega has been extensively studied by astronomers, leading it to be termed “arguably the next most important star in the sky after the Sun”. Vega was the northern pole star around 12,000 BC and will be so again around the year 13,727,

Vega with Bahtinov mask

Vega – Bahtinov mask

Przykład poprawnegoustawienia ostrości optyki podłączonej do aparatu. Zdjęcia (Marzec2019) wykonane w Zwardoniu. Standardowa miejscówka zlotówKatowickiego PTMA. Sprzęt: Canon EOS6D, Sky-Watcher 200/1000 [mm] na NEQ6 Pro., Skład: APP (6 najlepszych klatek), Obróbka: GIMP v2.10.14 + dodatki (Linux), Lights: 6 x 57[s], ISO-1600; 30.3.2019, Flats: 21 ISO-1600; 02.8.2019, Bias: 20 ISO-1600; 02.8.2019,

M92 / NGC 6341 - head

M92 (NGC 6341)

isa globular cluster of stars in the northern constellation ofHercules. M92 is at a distance of about 26,700 light-years away fromEarth. M92is one of the brighter globular clusters in the northern hemisphere,but it is often overlooked by amateur astronomers because of itsproximity to the even more spectacular Messier 13. It

M84, M86 – Markarian's Chain

M84, M86 – Markarian’s Chain

It is a stretch of galaxies that forms part of the Virgo Cluster. When viewed from Earth, the galaxies lie along a smoothly curved line. Member galaxies include M84 (NGC 4374), M86 (NGC 4406), NGC 4477, NGC 4473, NGC 4461, NGC 4458, NGC 4438 and NGC 4435. M86(NGC 4406) is

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