Homemade power banks
Mobile power bank charged with Sun, power supply via USB port for any devices
Mobile power bank charged with Sun, power supply via USB port for any devices
Peruns crosing borders and going abroad to their new owners – Singapore.I never thought that Perun could bring interest among foreign colleagues astrophotographers. I’m really happy. It is worth being 100% committed and persistent in pursuing goal. It is worth having a plan and implementing it consistently to celebrate such
The laser collimator is a very useful tool especially for amateur astronomers. My model ( Baader Laser Collimator Mark III ) works very well, but has one disadvantage, like any other type of this type. The weakest link in the whole construction is the SR battery model. Usually, the
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Astrophotography by Dariusz Krzempek
4 pcs. PERUN II available immediately.
Mobile power bank charged with Sun, power supply via USB port for any devices
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