Zdobienie / Decoration

Month: December 2020

Zdobienie / Decoration
B33,M42,M78,NGC 1977,NGC 2024

M 42 / B 33 / NGC 1977 / NGC 2024 / M 78

Compared to amateur telescopes, it is literally a wider look with the 200 [mm], F 2.8 lens at a group of objects in the Bernard’s Loop. However the loop itself is not visible on picture (caught small piece in the lower left corner – red cloud), and the main subject

Star Trails over Teide

Stars over Teide – Tenerife 2019

Time Laps composed with 140 frames into three sequences. Last two sequences was played a little faster, to better reflect the smoothness of the motion of the stars in the sky. Relative to the earth’s rotation. https://astrophotography.pekdar.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Stars_over_Teide-Tenerife.mp4

M45 Plejady / Pleiades

M45 – Pleiades

The Pleiades also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45, are an open star cluster containing middle-aged, hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the star clusters nearest Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky. The

Astro Pixel Processor v1.0

Astro Pixel Processor – basic tutorial

The main goal of this description is to provide you, with the ability to quickly stack photos using the APP (Astro Pixel Processor) program, in the shortest possible time with minimal the baggage of knowledge need. I share with you what I know. I have gained experience using the APP

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